Abstracts Dead Line June 30 2014
Biotechnology Summit 2014,
Huatulco Oaxaca Mexico
Congres October 8 to 10 2014 Huatulco Oaxaca
Workshop sept 29 to 03 oct in Tuxtepec Oaxaca
Meeting Registration Form:
send it to: biotechnologysummit@hotmai l.com only for a meeting registration. But all queries/ communications in relation to the scientific extended abstracts should be before June 30 2014 through biotechnologysummit2014@bio.edu.mx, biotechnologysummit2014@ho tmail.com y biotechnologysummit2014@gm ail.com, only
Participant information:
Name Last First Middle
Title Organization (Univ., Co., Inst.):
(Complete if you require tax bill)
Position: Address
City State Country Zip code
Phone Fax
E-mail 1 Invoice/RFC:
E-mail 2
Contribution information:
Please consider the manuscript to:
Poster session presentation
Oral presentation
Both oral presentation and poster session presentation
How many extended abstract will be send and which areas correspond (see table 1 in the next page)?__________
I. Red _____ II. Yellow_____ III. Blue______ IV. Green______ V. Brown______
VI. Black____ VII. Purple_____ VIII. White ______ IX. Gold_______ X. Grey ______
XI. Transparent____ XII. Iris _____ XIII. Indigo_____ XIV. Platinum_____ XV. Silver ____
Extended abstract entitled:
1.-_______________________ __________________________ __________________________ ______
2.- __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ___
3.________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ______
4.________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ______
Table 1. Color area and the biotechnological activities.
No. / Color Area / Biotech Activities
I / Red Biotech / Human Health & disease,Medical,Diagnostics and tissue engineering;
II / Yellow Biotech / Nutritional biotechnology:food, nutrition science and Nutraceuticals.
III / Blue Biotech / Marine (aquatic) biotechnology:aquaculture, coasts and sea, fish health and nutrition, aquatic animals reproduction, cloning and genetic modifications, aquaculture and fisheries pests and disease control
IV / Green Biotech / Agricultural biotechnology:biotechnologie s for theproduction, processing,and storage of agricultural and livestock production,biofertilizers and agrobiochemicals, agricultural pests and disease control, ecology and rational wildlife management, preservation of biodiversity, plant, pet, and farm-animal disease, health, nutrition, reproduction, cloning, and genetic modification, plant micropropagation and plant tissue culture, bioremediation &environmental biotechnology, sustainable design, renewable energy generation: resource saving and energy efficient; bioremediation &environmental biotechnology; bio-fuel production and sustainable biotechnology development; biotechnology for competitive production; new material; and new energy sources.
V / Brown Biotech / Desert biotechnology:space and geomicrobiology, arid zone &desert biotechnology.
VI / Black Biotech / Bioterrorism:human and animal pathogen control, bioterrorism, biowarfare, biocrimes, anticrop warfare
VII / Purple Biotech / Patents, IPR:strategy for intellectual property protection, patents, publications, inventions
VIII / White Biotech / Industrial biotechnology (gene-based)
IX / Gold Biotech / Bioinformatics:nanobiotechnology, microelectronic and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), micro systems technology (MST), nano electro mechanical systems (NEMS) micromachines
X / Grey Biotech / Classical biotechnology (fermentation):industrial biotechnology: classical fermentation &bioprocess/ bioengineering technology; engineering and technological equipment for bioproduction; output of science-intensive bioproducts.
XI Transparent Biotech / Bioethics, biotechnology, and society:tools for assessment of the support to the scientific sector, including its biotechnological potential and human resources.
XII / Iris Biotech / Multidisciplinary area:biochemistry, molecular biology &biotechnology, applications based on omic´s
XIII / Indigo Biotech / Integrating science, education and manufacturing. education &early childhood stimulation in the culture of health, nutrition, sport, art, science, biotechnology &society as information and telecommunication technologies TIC´S
XIV / Platinum Biotech / Synthetic biology
XV / Silver Biotech / Biobusiness, Bioentrepreneuship &Marketing; Development Economics, Biobusiness And Marketing: strategy for innovative development of the national economy, improvement of the system of the S&T and innovation activities management.
Registration (includes USB Proceedings)
The registration fee does not include food or lodging, or Closing Dinner. Registration fees for members imply that there is no debt to pay their membership dues
At least one author must be a member of the foundation and keep up with the payments of membership
Biannual membership:
student member & founding member 92 USD
professional member 113 USD
Costs for participants and / or presenter of oral or poster session
Costs before July 01- 2014 USD
Professional/Postdoctoral Member of the foundation: 200
Professional/Postdoctoral non Member of the foundation: 250
Student 120
pre-congress courses 150
Closing Dinner: 20
Costs before August 01- 2014 USD
Professional/Postdoctoral Member of the foundation: 250
Professional/Postdoctoral non Member of the foundation: 300
Student 150
pre-congress courses 200
Closing Dinner: 25
Costs before September 01- 2014 USD
Professional/Postdoctoral Member of the foundation: 300
Professional/Postdoctoral non Member of the foundation: 350
Student 200
pre-congress courses 250
Closing Dinner: 30
Author/Co-author: Yes No Student- Author/Co-author: Yes No
conference workshop: Yes No Number: ____________
Workshop # 1: Micropropagation of ornamental plants.
Workshop # 2: Development of diagnostic methods for the determination of important pathogens in agricultural biotechnology.
Additional USB Proceeding, $20 dollar each one Number of USB _______________
ACADEMIC TOTAL FEE: __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _____
If you transfer or deposit please send your file the reference fields
NAME: International Foundation for Biotechnology Research & Early Stimulation in the Culture of Health, Nutrition, Sport, Art, Science, Technology & Society amount of $
BANK: SANTANDER ACCOUNT: 65503146081 KEY INTERBANK: 014628655031460814
Date: Issuing Bank:
Please bill me
billing data:_____________________ __________________________ __________________________ ______
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _____
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _____
International Foundation for Biotechnology Research & Early Stimulation in the Culture of Health, Nutrition, Sport, Art, Science, Technology & Society A.C. //
Payee's Address: Calle 21 de Marzo No 254, Col Obrera Benito Juarez, San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico, C.P. 68336 //
Account #: 65 503146081 //
Bank Name: Santander Bank //
Address: 4983 Suc. Principal Tuxtepec, Calle J M Morelos y 20 de Nov No 71 Col Tuxtepec Centro, Oaxaca, Mexico, C.P. 68300 // Bank Phone: TELEFONO (287)875-1211 / 875-0622, FAX 875-4043 // Clearing/SWIFT Code:014628655031460814
other countries:
currency // Correspondent bank // City // Swift /ABA // Bank Account // Bank Beneficiary // Beneficiary Account // Clabe interbank
USD // JP Morgan Chase // Nueva York // CHASUS33021000021 // 400047144BMSXMXMM // Santander // International Foundation for Biotechnology Research & Early Stimulation in the Culture of Health, Nutrition, Sport, Art, Science, Technology & Society A.C. // 65503146081 // 014628655031460814 .
EUR // Banco Santander Cenral Hispano // Madrid // BSCHESMM // BMSXMXMM // Santander // same as above // same as above // same as above
CAD // Toronto Dominion Bank // Toronto // TDOMCAT // 360012000000 // Santander // same as above // same as above // same as above
SEK // Skandinavinsk a Enskilda Banken // Estocolmo // ESSESESS // 5201821705 // Santander // same as above // same as above // same as above
1.- Secrets Hotel Resort & Spa, Phone: 01800-017-3273, Fax: 52 984-873-4881, Section Conejos Bay Hotel, Lot 8 Conejos Bay, Huatulco, Oaxaca 70989, Mexico, General Information: info.sechu@secretsresorts. com, Groups groups.sechu@secretsresort s.com.
2.- Barceló Huatulco Beach: Add: Paseo Benitez Juarez S/N, Zona Hotelera Tangolunda, 70989 Bahías de Huatulco, Oaxaca, México
Phone:+52 958 583 1440, web page: http://www.barcelo.com/ BarceloHotels/en_GB/hotels/ Mexico/Huatulco/ hotel-barcelo-huatulco-beac h/ general-description.aspx?a= 1387781027707
3.- Gran Hotel Huatulco Carrizal 1406 Fracc. La Crucecita c.p. 70989 Bahías de Huatulco, Oaxaca. México. Phone: +52 (958) 587 0115 Fax: +52 (958) 587 0115. Toll Free:+52 800 712 7355, web page: http:// www.granhotelhuatulco.com/